Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy

The NOESY sequence (NOESY stand for: Nuclear Over Hauser Enhancement Spectroscopy)

It introduces the crossed relaxation which governs the Over Hauser effect[1]. The NOESY spectroscopy is rather limited to the determination of the notion of crossed homonuclear relaxation.

The pulse sequence scheme is given Figure 22.

Fig. 22 : The NOESY pulse sequence

The spectrum 8 is a COSY 45° of the phenanthro-benzofurane (PBF) (Fig.30). The spectrum 9 is the corresponding NOESY spectrum We observe an additional correlation spot between the proton which is at 8.8 ppm and the proton which has a chemical shift of 8.6 ppm. This spot is termed A, it means a dipolar interaction between two protons and .

Fig. 30 : The phenanthro-benzofurane (PBF)
Spectrum 8: COSY spectrum of PBF
Spectrum 9: NOESY spectrum of PBF
  1. D. Canet

    La RMN concepts et méthodes inter éditions 1991

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